The idea is beyond everything. It was born form trips, meetings, listening to music, reading or learning.

I draw my inspiration from everywhere, particularly from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, when connected to my land. The idea becomes tangible and I conceptualize innovative concepts to the last detail. I instill in each of these works a strong desire that every user can see the beauty and hear the good, and hence make the world a better place.

I am also inspired from study of the Torah, the Talmud, the Kabbalah and the Biblical prophets. I consider every human being a source of inspiration and try to learn from everyone, regardless of age, culture or nationality.I can create innovative concepts with the help of my dear assistants. To renew is to detach from the past to improve humanity. Below are several of my works in chronological order.



1989 :Graduate of optometry studies in Paris.

1991 :Establishment of Optical Center. The first store opened in Boulogne France.

1997 :Opening of the first Optical Center franchise store in Rouen.

2000 :Creation of contact lens brand and eyeglasses brand. Later created other brands that were sold exclusively in Optical Center Group stores.

2003 :Lecturer and member of the jury in the HEC School for Entrepreneurs (Academic institution for Business Studies in France).

2005 :Immigrated to Israel with my family and living in Jerusalem.

2006 :Establishment of Optical Center online sales website in Luxembourg.

2007 :Establishment of Foundation Optical Center in central Jerusalem

2008 :Launch of a Hearing Aid department in Optical Center stores.

2010 :Launch of the Jerusalem-Rent website for seasonal apartment rentals in Jerusalem.

2011 :Publication of the first book “The Seven Keys to Success”.

2014 :Opening of Kikar Hamusica in Jersualem.

2014 :Opening of Blue Hall Mujsic pub in Kikar Hamusica.

2014 :Establishment of the first Hebrew music website – Hebrew Musics.

2015 :Optical Center expands to Israel, opening of the first two stores in Jerusalem.

2016 :Opening Kinor be Kikar restaurant in Kikar Hamusica.

2016 :Opening of the first Optical Center clinic for ametropia corrective surgeries (laser vision corrective surgery) in Lyon.

2016 :Opening the Hebrew Museum in Jerusalem.

2016 :Establishment of the Kikar Hamusica Band.

2017 :Optical Center becomes the French brand for the first optic and hearing device that opened in North America. First Montreal (Canada).

2017 :Ouverture du restaurant “Nah’man” sur Kikar Hamusica.

2018 :Opening of the sixth restaurant in Kikar Hamusica “Andalusia”.

2018 :Launch of OC Mobile, home Optical Center in Nantes.

2019 :Establishment of a football club in Jerusalem (Jerusalem Football Club).

2020 :Opening a French bakery Napoleon in Kikar Hamusica.

2021 :Optical Center becomes an optical and auditory leader in France.

2021 :Optical Center is located in 8 countries: France, Israel, Canada, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, England and Spain.

2022 :Neve Bibi Auditorium in Kikar Hamusica, Jerusalem.

2022 :First humanitarian mission of Optical Center Monde in Ivory Coast.

2023 :Optical Center acquires the Château de Nieuil for its employees.

2024 :Writing of the exclusive playing method of the Jerusalem Football Club

2024 :writing of the musical comedy “This is Jerusalem”

2024 :Promotion to the 3rd division of Jerusalemfc



2025 :Jabotinsky Hotel, Jerusalem.

2027 :School of Music, Dance and Comedy at Kikar Hamusica, Jerusalem.

2028 :Grand Hotel, Central Jerusalem.

2026 :Preparation for the World of Tomorrow Center, Jerusalem.

2028 :Villa Migdal Vacation Site and Club, Sea of Galilee.

2027 :Author of second book about a vision of the world in the future.

2029 :Music Hotel in Kikar Hamusica, Jerusalem.

2030 :Implementation of Optical Center Vision 2031.