7 Notes. Millions of Possibilities.

7 billion people listen to it. Music is an unparalleled phenomenon and transcends anything else because it extends beyond our comprehension. A tremendous 18th century artist (the Gaon from Vilna) taught that there are 7 sciences pertaining to the mind: anatomy, mathematics, grammar, astronomy, physics, chemistry and music. He classified among the musical instruments the ones that most affect our soul, particularly emphasizing harp and violin above others. Song is positioned even higher than musical instruments. The soul flutters within the body. Each at a certain frequency. Depending on the frequency, we better understand why some melodies touch our hearts more than others.

Our soul resonates with vibrations emitted from the instruments of music and our intelligence cannot fully comprehend this phenomenon. The soul transcends the mind and body. We achieve perfect harmony when the soul and the instruments of music vibrate together.

Music is unifying. It has no boundaries and unites people of all styles and ethnicities. Music brings people closer together and is present during the happiest of events. There is no wedding, party or event without music.

In the Temple in Jerusalem, 2700 years ago, sacrifices to atone for sins, or approach G-d could not be performed without musical accompaniment. The Levites played trumpets and special harps.

The role of Levites was to play music and open the doors of the temple to the worshipers. I was raised on Arabic music from Algeria. My sisters introduced me to the Beatles, Paul Simon and James Taylor. There has not been and still is not a day without music. I am studying guitar and voice development. I listen to world music as well as classical, alternative or modern music. Music accompanies my personal or professional activities because it gives them an extra dimension and enhances our achievements.

King David composed 150 psalms. His son, King Solomon, founded the city of Jerusalem and built the first temple there.
The Song of Songs was written by King David. An image of the harp covers his grave in Jerusalem.

New technology has infused new life in music listening. Musical pieces enhance the world. We must use it to revive harmony among people, thereby building the universal symphony.

For my part, every month in the Kikar Hamusica in Jerusalem I, along with the “Kikar Hamusica Band”, play past and current songs in several languages. This is one way to share this passion with everyone.

I founded Kikar Hamusica in Jerusalem, a unique concept that aims on a daily basis to unite anyone who wants enjoy a moment outside of time. Some of the melodies played on Kikar Hamusica stage can be found on the Hebrew music website.

7 Notes. Millions of Possibilities.

7 billion people listen to it. Music is an unparalleled phenomenon and transcends anything else because it extends beyond our comprehension. A tremendous 18th century artist (the Gaon from Vilna) taught that there are 7 sciences pertaining to the mind: anatomy, mathematics, grammar, astronomy, physics, chemistry and music. He classified among the musical instruments the ones that most affect our soul, particularly emphasizing harp and violin above others. Song is positioned even higher than musical instruments. The soul flutters within the body. Each at a certain frequency. Depending on the frequency, we better understand why some melodies touch our hearts more than others.

Our soul resonates with vibrations emitted from the instruments of music and our intelligence cannot fully comprehend this phenomenon. The soul transcends the mind and body. We achieve perfect harmony when the soul and the instruments of music vibrate together.

Music is unifying. It has no boundaries and unites people of all styles and ethnicities. Music brings people closer together and is present during the happiest of events. There is no wedding, party or event without music.

In the Temple in Jerusalem, 2700 years ago, sacrifices to atone for sins, or approach G-d could not be performed without musical accompaniment. The Levites played trumpets and special harps.

The role of Levites was to play music and open the doors of the temple to the worshipers. I was raised on Arabic music from Algeria. My sisters introduced me to the Beatles, Paul Simon and James Taylor. There has not been and still is not a day without music. I am studying guitar and voice development. I listen to world music as well as classical, alternative or modern music. Music accompanies my personal or professional activities because it gives them an extra dimension and enhances our achievements.

King David composed 150 psalms. His son, King Solomon, founded the city of Jerusalem and built the first temple there.
The Song of Songs was written by King David. An image of the harp covers his grave in Jerusalem.

New technology has infused new life in music listening. Musical pieces enhance the world. We must use it to revive harmony among people, thereby building the universal symphony.

For my part, every month in the Kikar Hamusica in Jerusalem I, along with the “Kikar Hamusica Band”, play past and current songs in several languages. This is one way to share this passion with everyone.

I founded Kikar Hamusica in Jerusalem, a unique concept that aims on a daily basis to unite anyone who wants enjoy a moment outside of time. Some of the melodies played on Kikar Hamusica stage can be found on the Hebrew music website.

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Visit Kikar Hamusica website

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Visit the Hebrew Musics website